Emerge is about gathering and inputting into the next generation of emerging Christian leaders. This is not just about church leadership. Alongside those in potential church leadership roles, we also feel a call from God to raise godly teachers, lawyers, politicians, doctors, and other professionals out in the world as well.
Emerge is specifically aimed at those aged 16-25, who may already be in a current leadership position, whether in church or in society, or they might be someone with great leadership potential.
The aim of emerge is threefold:
Emerge meet on the last Thursday of every month. please email emerge@loveblackcountry.org.uk to find out when the next gathering will take place.
If you or someone you know might be suitable for Emerge, please email Emerge Coordinator Lydia King - emerge@loveblackcountry.org.uk. Lydia will give you all the information you need about how to get involved and ask you for a few details to get to know you too.