Next Gen

Next Gen Leaders’ Gathering - As part of our investment into the Next Generation, we continue to network and facilitate relational unity between kids and youth workers across the region. On Monday 8th July, we are hosting a gathering for those involved with leading and working with children and young people in any capacity. We will pray, worship and share […]
MOVEMENT – Youth Prayer for the Black Country - We’re back! After successfully gathering nearly 200 young people for the Youth Prayer Gathering the last two gatherings, we’re keen to come together again. This is MOVEMENT, named by young people at Together Festival – a moment to worship, pray and gather the young people of our region. Facilitated by Love Black Country and The […]
MOVEMENT – How a regional youth gathering changed a church - Last week 200 young people gathered TOGETHER from across the Black Country to worship & pray together, this regional evening was a roaring success with young people pouring themselves out for Jesus and coming forward for prayer. The sense of the spirit was tangible. We’re sure that investing in young people will feed, grow and […]


We’d love to help you connect to “Next Gen”. We believe that it is only when we listen to God and work TOGETHER that we will see our area transformed. We have a variety of youth and children’s workers involved in our Next Gen network around the Black Country. Please drop us a line at to find out how you can get connected to the right people.