The last few months have been so encouraging as I have started to ‘map’ the next gen activity in the Black Country. It has involved a lot of calendar organisation, Google Maps and coffee drinking but what a joy to hear about the incredible work that is already being done throughout the four boroughs! The potential for this area is great and I am excited to think about what might be possible as we encourage each other and work together to pursue transformation for these kids and youth! What stands out as I have travelled around has been the heart of each person; the passion for the kids and youth to have a revelation of Jesus in their own lives. So many people working so hard and yet still so much to do!
A big part of my role is to connect people together. The first opportunity for this to happen at an event was in November 2018 when we had our first official Next Gen networking meeting at Sedgley Community Church. We had a great mixture of people turn up who work alongside kids and youth and enjoyed chatting and eating doughnuts! We spent time introducing ourselves and getting to know each other’s roles. We spent time in prayer to support each other and we also prayed for the wider context of how we reach these kids and youth.
There is a definite sense of expectancy and hope everywhere but also an awareness of capacity and resources. As we look forward, I believe that God is positioning people now ready for what is to come. Relationship is going to be KEY for us all going forward and so the time and commitment required for this will be a crucial part of everything we do. My message to the kids and youth leaders is: you are not alone; God is with you and so are we!
Deb Chamberlain
LBC Next Gen Champion