A new Gap Year programme, aimed at young adults (18+), is being launched as a joint venture between churches in Dudley.
The programme will launch in September 2020 and is being spearheaded initially through a partnership between Amblecote Christian Centre (ACC) and Chawn Hill Church in Stourbridge on behalf of Love Dudley.
The Gap Year will provide an opportunity for young adults with an appetite to invest in their relationship with God and serve in their communities, to be trained and equipped with the skills and confidence they need to make an impact where they live.
Partnership and collaboration with local churches is the key ingredient in the Gap Year and is built into the programme so that young people can bless the needs of their own church in a way that is unique to them.
Chawn’s Greg Ellis, who is helping to lead the programme, is excited about how the programme has the potential to expand the horizons and opportunities for the young people who take part in the programme.
“Taking a gap year is a great way to shape someone’s future so they can live above the humdrum of normal life. If people have an appetite or hunger and believe “there must be more to life than this”, then a gap year could just be a vehicle to put a fire into them and help them dream bigger than they have before.”
The Gap Year will be a part-time programme that is run across 3 days each week, allowing participants to continue to work or study during the rest of their time. It is hoped that making the gap year part-time will open it up as a feasible option to a wider group of people.
The programme will enable participants to “Grow” through a day of theological study each week, to “Give” time into their local churches through serving and using their gifts to support their local church’s vision and to “Go” into the community and overseas in mission activities.
ACC’s Tim Murray, who has written the syllabus for the “Grow” section of the programme, is excited about the possibilities of the programme for those that take part.
“There will be many diverse opportunities in the Gap Year that allow young adults the chance to discover just what they are capable of with the right support.”
The Gap Year programme is aimed not only at young people who sense a call to church ministry in the future, but also to those who sense a call to leadership in education, economics, politics, business and beyond.
“It’s going to be such an honour to have the opportunity to help develop Biblically literate, equipped and empowered Christian leaders, both for the future of the church and for the future of the marketplace,” explains Greg. “Partnership between all of the churches who will take part will provide a unique way of fanning into flame the gifts in the next generation of Christian Leaders in the Black Country.”
An information evening is being held for prospective participants and for church leaders to find out more about the Gap Year programme on Sunday 1st March 2020, 5-6:30pm at Amblecote Christian Centre. The evening will include a light buffet dinner. For catering purposes, please book in by emailing Timmurray@amblecotechristiancentre.org.uk.