
How do we better connect with the disabled community in the Black Country?

Monzur Miah is a Christian from Walsall. Monzur was born with Cerebral Palsy, a condition which limits his ability to communicate verbally.

In July 2020, Tim Fellows met with Monz to explore how we can connect the disabled community in the Black Country, a particular passion of Monz.

Yan can watch the full interview below.

Monzur’s personal story is a moving one and a great example of the faithfulness of God. We’re honoured to share it here, in his own words.

I am Monzur Miah and this is my story.

I was born in Walsall in 1980, into a Muslim family from Bangladesh. I have been disabled from birth by Cerebral Palsy, which means I cannot walk very well, so I have to use a wheelchair, and I use a mixture of speech, a talking machine and sign language to communicate.


In 1989 at 9 years of age I began to attend Walsall Christian Centre, (now Legacy Church Walsall), after a man from there told me about Jesus, my mum agreed that he could take me to church for prayer. At this time I was very weak, I could not stand or walk on my own, I used to get around on my hands and knees or use a walking frame. My co-ordination was very bad and I was not able to take things that were offered to me. I was carried to church each Sunday and I also went to Pathfinders Children’s Club, and I became a Christian. I was prayed for many times and the first thing that improved was my co-ordination. Then over the years I have grown physically stronger and stronger, which I thank God for.


Life has always been a struggle to me, but when I was 13, it became very difficult at home, so I was taken into the care of Social Services until I was 18. My mother had stipulated that I was not allowed to go to church, which made me very sad, I was heartbroken and I didn’t want to live. I had no spiritual food for 5 years. However, Jesus showed me the key that when I was 18, I would be free.


Before I went away my friend gave me this verse from John ch 10 v 28 & 29 in the Bible, Jesus said “I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish: no-one can snatch them out of my hand. My Father, who has given them to me, is greater than all: no-one can snatch them out of my Father’s hand.” I tell you that I kept Jesus in my heart, and He kept me in His.


When I was 17 years old I moved into Hollybank House, a home for disabled people, and I looked forward to my 18th birthday, but just before that I was allowed to go back to church, this made me very, very happy and excited. All my friends gave me a very big welcome back. I can really recommend being a Christian; it made my life worth living.


Soon after my 18th birthday I was baptised in water, and later on I was baptised in the Holy Spirit also. I was very happy. That year I also went to Hereward College for the disabled, in Coventry, for 4 years. While there I joined Christian Life Ministries Church, where I made many more friends.


When I was 23 years old I left Hollybank House to live independently, with the help of carers. I also joined the church at JCN 10, I made more new friends, and I also found that I knew some people there already. I was very happy and excited at first, but later I became very lonely. I entered into a relationship and took my eyes of Jesus. I stopped going to church, which I regret.


Through my relationship I became a proud father of 2 sons, Elijah who is 14 and Ben who is 12, they live with their mother, but they are the light of my life.


My mum had always wanted me to marry a girl from Bangladesh, so she planned to take me there to find a wife. Then one Sunday, 4 weeks before I was due to go, I suddenly had a very bad pain in my chest, I collapsed and was taken into hospital. I was in a very bad way; the doctors found I had an abscess on my lung. I was in Intensive Care for a while and was in hospital for 4 weeks, and it took a while recover. This put a stop to me going to Bangladesh of course, which didn’t please my mother. But now I believe that God stopped me going to Bangladesh, but it was a very painful lesson to learn.


All my problems made me feel very depressed. When I talked to a Christian friend I said I was going to hell because of all the bad things I had deliberately done. My friend told me that we all do bad things at times, but all we need to do to say sorry to Jesus, and ask Him to forgive us, and he will if we really mean it. This was just before Easter, so my friend said it would be a good time to go back to church and put things right with God, because I’d never really be happy again until I did that. So on Easter Sunday 2011, I came back here to JCN 10 Church and more importantly I came back to God.


The people here at JCN 10 helped me through that and many other difficult times. I am very grateful to you all and I give thanks to God. Over the years I have grown stronger and stronger in God.


Now I’ve reached the age of 40, and I have a future to think about. I have my 2 sons, who I’m very proud of, and I look forward to what God has for me in the future.


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