Birmingham City Mission are a Christian charity that serves the city of Birmingham through various social projects.
BCM’s youth team seeks to teach students about Christian beliefs and practices and support them in their personal wellbeing. In normal times we offer to visit schools (to deliver assemblies and RE lessons across a range of topics).
We are offering a short pre-recorded video Easter assembly from BCM (on the theme of ‘Hope’). It will be available from w/b 15th March onwards for you to play to students as part of form time or however you see fit. The video is 8 minutes long and is relevant to all year groups. The central message is to ‘keep hope alive’ for ourselves and others in difficult times and the importance to talking to safe others when we’re feeling anxious. Here is a short preview of the assembly
Our assemblies focus on the major Christian festivals of Harvest, Christmas and Easter. Although our assemblies are delivered from a Christian perspective, they cover universal values and are inclusive and ‘collective’ in nature adhering to the Birmingham SACRE ‘Principle of Inspiring Collective Worship’ guidelines. These also cater for students Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural development (SMSC). Previous videos we have produced are ‘Calm amid Crisis: Asking for Help’ and ‘Waiting with Hope (Advent & Christmas).
We also offer schools RE lessons/sessions. In normal times we visit schools to deliver (at KS3 & KS4) RE lessons across a range of topics relating to Christian Belief and Practice – what the Bible teaches and the difference this teaching makes in the lives of practicing Christians such as BCM’s youth team. At the present time we have two RE videos available: GCSE Christian Beliefs & Teachings, and Christmas & Christ’s birth (for KS3). We’ll have ‘Easter’ videos available (on Holy week, Good Friday and Easter Sunday) in a couple of weeks time for the lead up to Easter.
Please contact John Platt, Youth Team Leader by emailing or calling 0121 766 6603 – ext 4. 07515 152045.