The GSUS Live exhibition has recently been in Wolverhampton. It visited St Edmunds and Ormiston New Academy and shortly will also be visiting Kings School as well. In all, over 1000 young people will have learned something about the teachings of Jesus around the themes of fear, forgiveness and rejection.
RE Resource
GSUS Live is a popular and trustworthy RE resource created by professionals. The whole experience works from a purpose-built trailer which transforms into a large interactive learning space, featuring touch screen computers that allow students to interact with, and offer advice to, a fictional young person dealing with fear, rejection or forgiveness.
Based on Jesus' teachings alongside famous public figures such as Martin Luther King and Malala Yousafzai who feature in the short films which help students consider these three issues from a Christian perspective, the session complements existing teaching in the RE, PSHE, Ethics or Citizenship syllabus.
Engaging Volunteers
The programme is best delivered by volunteers from local churches. Full training is given to all volunteers so that they can lead the sessions, encourage discussion and explain Christian stories from a personal perspective. They can even volunteer to set up the trailer which weighs in at 14 tonnes and when deployed occupies an area approximately the length of 6 car parking spaces!
Joe Maggs is the Youth Mission Enabler for Pennfields Parish and has been volunteering with GSUS Live. He has been thoroughly impressed with the work they do. "GSUS Live is a great opportunity for local church to develop a genuine and ongoing relationship with schools in their community and to follow up the experience with lunchtime activities, projects and mentoring serving the school's needs."
GSUS Live is extremely popular and in most areas demand exceeds availability. If any secondary school is interested for 2020, they are advised to get in touch immediately.
Check out the “GSUS Live” promo.
For more information, please contact